First, I want to say today is my son’s 28th birthday!! My gosh, he’s getting older.
Okay, so on the 30th of this month, Jaime and I drove out to Tucson and did our usual check in at the hotel attached to the convention center. They moved the main entrance for the con to be right near the door of the hotel, so that was super convenient! After a quick unpacking, we went and toured the con and did some pre-shopping. We found Brian and Allysen fairly quickly. We hit as many vendors and saw as many friends we could and got pictures with them. After they closed down for the night, we had dinner in the bar and got to peep at Jimmy Hart and Doug Jones. Jimmy happened to be staying a couple doors over from us.

The next day, bright and early, our friends Angela, Jonathan, and Justin drove out and we all met in our room as we prepped for the day. We did our Cinderalla cosplay and again I had a lot of silly fun acting out. I channeled Kelly from the shoes meme, and Sheneneh Jenkins from the tv show, Martin. We got a lot of photos taken of us and some video too.
We joined the panel discussion with Doug Jones and of course, Angela and Jaime got a photo op with him and he invited us all to join it. What a nice man!

After closing out for the night and seeing everyone go home, Allysen/Brian and Jaime/I hung out in the lobby until we couldn’t stay up any later.
The next day, we simply just shopped and hung out. Behold! My stuff!

For dinner, we met up with Johanna and had Ethiopian food.

The next day, we checked out and met up with Sam and Marie from our Phoenix ukulele group before heading home.