Arizona Renaissance Festival

We were told a great idea last year, to avoid the rush of the crowds on Saturday, to go out on Friday and camp out just past the Renaissance area, in BLM land.

We took the RV out and note to self, don’t go in stupid rush hour. Might as well be out early in the morning in rush hour. Anyway, when we got to the area, the land was very nice for us to camp. We barely had to set up, we got to microwave our dinner and it was awesome. We went to bed at a reasonable hour… and when we got up in the morning, it was quick to put things away and drive over.

Driving over the the Renaissance area, we came from the other direction and to get in, was super quick! We even got rock-star parking! Right up front.

We had an enjoyable day and stayed the whole time. When the area closed, we went over to the RV and basically just hung out, had some snacks and refreshments as the parking lot cleared out. When we were the last ones, we just left and went home.

Super convenient!

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