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Monthly Archives: August 2020
Day 7
My big thing today was I gave a presentation on what I did for my last company and they want me to do it for this company. I’m really excited about this!
Day 6
Another Monday and I can’t make “not another Monday” jokes as I have been looking forward to starting my day. And I did have a good day. I only had a handful of meetings today and they were all pretty … Continue reading
Day 5: Week 1
A full week is complete today. There was quite a few meetings that I was part of. I’m excited for the changes that my boss wants to implement. I feel it’s a good time to be onboard and it might … Continue reading
Day 4
I started this morning with no meetings on my calendar and ended up sending out a message to the team asking if I could join them. I right away got 5 meetings on my calendar. It was a decent day. … Continue reading
Day 3
I didn’t have as much fun today, but had some good insights. I was invited to a CTF, or capture the flag, and was really surprised who was doing really well at it. Most of the work team did really … Continue reading
My 2nd Day
I started the day with talking with my new boss and trying to understand where priorities lie. I talked about some of my past life and creating a GRC framework and the chance to review with him and my peer … Continue reading
Day 1
Today, despite issues for trying to log in, I met my new team via Zoom. It seems that our support number is flagged as a Potential Spam number which isn’t a good thing. I was able to talk with support … Continue reading
New Job!
I started my new job today. I met my team via Zoom. I like them.
End of July, End of Seven Years
I joined CSAA IG in August of 2013 and have been there since, until the end of July this year. I loved how much I was involved with everything and had some pretty nice work relationships. The vehicle insurance industry … Continue reading
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Tomorrow is Day 1
July 31st, 2020, after seven years at CSAA IG, I turned in my badge, my laptop, my phone and spent the whole next week thinking about my new job at Magellan Health. I start tomorrow and will be 100% remote. … Continue reading