Monthly Archives: April 2019

Dark Ones: Fantastic Beasts & Those Who Hunt Them

We attended the Dark Ones Party for April. The theme was Fantastic Beasts & Those Who Hunt Them. Jaime was Medusa and I was Perseus. Mariah had her Vaporeon and Allysen was a Phoenix. It was a lot of fun … Continue reading

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Pat’s Run 2019

I walked Pat’s Run this year with Tammy and Ron from work. Diana was around the last mile too, but she hates photos and gets mad if you take any pictures of her!  

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Camille’s Birthday

We had a wonderful get-together for Camille’s birthday! There were several others there too but I wasn’t having a good picture day. Here are a few that came out okay.

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Easter 2019

We hosted Easter this year :) Family and Food! Yum!  

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KUPD UFest 2019

Jaime really wanted to see Limp Bizkit after I proclaimed seeing more concerts this year. Wouldn’t you know they were coming to town as part of UFest.

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April 105th Build Party

We met up with our 105th family, with a couple of them just getting back from Japan recently. We even had a newcomer who has been here a week!

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Lake Pleasant with Camille’s New Boat!

Camille got a new boat a few weeks ago, but the planning for it has been in the works for months. She got to take it out today and of course we joined! It as also the Lantern Festival at … Continue reading

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