Next time you get sent a scam email FORWARD it, created by Netsafe as a sophisticated A.I. email program to keep bad guys busy.
The A.I. will reply to the bad guys with conversation and keep them busy until they realize that they aren’t going anywhere. When the conversation is over, re:scam will email you a copy of the chain so you can get a good laugh at the exchange the A.I. and the bad guys had. This is security awareness!
The video is kind of creepy, but fun at the same time.
Bad guys are sending emails claiming to come from a real law firm called 'Baker & McKenzie'. The email states you are scheduled to appear in court and should click a link to view a copy of the court notice. It is an attempt by the bad guys to trick…
Big data doesn't necessarily mean good data. This presentation, created Aug 25 2015, makes us realize that bad guys have the good data and it enables them to keep attacking successfully. (It's a 47 minutes presentation)
The year end is the time to start giving predictions of how next year will roll. Here are a few reports that have already been published (they all open in a new tab): WebSense Trend Micro Tech Republic CSO Online Gartner's predictions for 2014-2017 Now keep in mind, these are…