SpearPhish Your Phamily and Phriends!

I tried InfoSec Institute’s Phishing service, and here is how it played out!

Over the past couple of days, while having some discussions regarding social engineering at work, I stumbled across this service. The InfoSec Institute provides phishing as a service, called Phish.io, and will give you 10 free phishing attempts to mock-attack, non-maliciously, your family, friends, and co-workers, with tried and true fake emails.



I went ahead and opened the email to check it’s authenticity :)

Since I’ve never banked at Chase, I have no true way of knowing if this is what it legitimately looks like. I do remember being a poor network administrator back in my early 20s though and having received low balance emails from a bank I did bank at, back in the day. :|

There are two links in the email, which will let me know as the sender, what my victim/target clicked on. I’m not suggesting that you copy and paste those into a browser!


To check out the reporting functions, I’ve decided to click on the “see your statement” link.

I immediately got notified:


And as a mock-victim, I had to sit through an interactive video.

The report I got wasn’t all that spectacular, definitely not something I could build metrics off of. But it did let me know what type of email I sent and if that person fell for it or not.

This is definitely a cool service to use, with a nice lesson to help your family and friends learn about spear phishing. Give it a try, go to http://phish.io

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