Encrypting Your Android Phone

I’ve been a huge fan of Android based phones. New Android phones will be encrypted by default, but if you have had your smart phone for over a month, you probably do not have encryption enabled.

Why would you want to encrypt your phone? Well, the answer is quite simple. The answer is encryption does more than just bar a person from accessing information on your phone, as the lock screen does. You can think of the lock screen as a lock on a door: Without the key, uninvited guests can’t come in and steal all your belongings. Encrypting your data takes it a step further. It makes the information unreadable even if somehow a hacker got through the lock screen. Software and hardware vulnerabilities that can let someone do that are found from time to time, though they’re usually quickly fixed. It’s possible for determined attackers to hack lock screen passwords.

The downside to encrypting your mobile data on Android devices, is it’ll take longer for you to log into your device.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Plug your phone into a charger
  2. Make sure you can be without your phone for an hour or so
  3. Go to Settings
  4. Scroll down to Security
  5. Think of a 6 character password that is alpha-numeric
  6. Select Encrypt device

It can take awhile to encrypt all your mobile data.
Once you are completed with that step, don’t forget to also encrypt your external SD card.

You have all seen at least one person unlock their phone in front of you. Don’t be that guy… It defeats the purpose of setting up a pin and password for your phone if you are going to advertise.

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