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Daily Archives: May 28, 2014
Smart TV Hacking
@beist from Korea. TVs are never really off, are they? Here are his slides (pdf).
Posted in Security Blog
Tagged 2014, black hat, hacked, hacking, rootkits, samygo, SeungJin Lee, smart tv hacking
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User Based (Health) Insurance?
I almost wanted a fitbit. I started to see a lot of them at work and in general. They seemed to grow in popularity like Crocs did 10 years ago. I decided to wait it out and watch people wear … Continue reading
Google’s Driverless Car
Kawaii!! Here are some questions to ask though. What will become of the insurance industry if driverless cars become the norm? Will it still be mandatory in the US to have car insurance? What if someone hacks a car and … Continue reading
Posted in Security Blog
Tagged 2014, Curious Questions, driverless cars, Google, insurance
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