Took my test today and passed on the first try. No bootcamps or classes. How?
I read two books. The CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide, which was a very informative, yet dry. I took several months to read this book. Even longer to try to notate it and really digest the contents of it.

Then, two-three weeks before my test, I read the CISSP Exam Cram (3rd Edition) and then read it again, cramming two days before the test. This book has several small errors. Over the weeks, I tested with the chapter tests and the self tests that came with the books. Reading the book twice and highlighting key points helped a lot.

Once I got to the testing facility, while sitting in the parking lot, there is an exam cram sheet that comes with the exam cram book. Just go over it.

CISSP Results Letter

The test was a little difficult and very long. It took about 3 hours for the questions I was given (which I understand are randomly selected from a pool of official questions), once I completed, I took a break, then reviewed all my answers, re-reading every question, which only took two hours. The 6 hours given to take the test is more than enough to complete the test and review every question. If you are after the coveted CISSP, this technique worked for me.

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