Ahhh… Another year over. 2006 was a very good year. I really have had a great time. I usually look back at all the memorable things that I had done.
In 2006, no particular order, I;
-Got my son full time.
-Enrolled him in school.
-Helped him get from being an “F” student, to more or less an “A” student
-Bought my first Motorcycle
-Bought my second Motorcycle
-Ran a cabling business
-Did really well on my taxes
-Got in shape.. twice.
-Hung out with some really cool people (Chris, Rob, Booger, Camille, Suzanne, Kelli, Kelly, Jaime, Mariana, Eric, Lloyd. Just to name a few)
-Built a pretty good reputation
-Did a couple of biker rides
-Was Batman
-Went on a Dinner Cruise
-Went to San Diego with just my woman
-Went to San Diego with just my son
-Gave to the poor/less fortunate
-Helped run United Way
-Went on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera
-Started drinking again. In moderation.
-Established contact with some friends from my childhood.
-Sent out Christmas Cards
-Made my mom cry because I finally now know what to get her for Christmas
-Made a legless guy cry
-Had fun doing everything above.
Peace and Love. Let’s make 2007 better than 2006.