With the recent OPM hack… I use hack loosely because of this. A lot of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) was stolen. About 32 million records. The PII consisted of Names, Addresses, Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth, places one lived for the last 10 years, and full names of one’s relatives, like mother’s maiden name…
Phishing attacks will get worse and all need to be on the lookout for fake and fraudulent emails, most likely offering up identity theft protection offers because of the OPM hack.
Sometimes an attacker will use both a phishing and vishing attack together. This picture shows a social engineering campaign.
Opportunities are boundless for an attacker after a computer is able to be remotely controlled or monitored. Access to all the data the user and the user’s computer houses or has access to, which can be everything.
Teach your family and friends (and coworkers) about complex and easy phishing and vishing attacks. Question everything that is strange. Monitor your credit report. You’ll be better off!
AAA Members get free ID theft monitoring, check it out at aaa.com/idtheft